Sharon Egan - Artist - Quakertown PA Alive
Summer Camp Guide
Summer Camp Guidep

Creative People

Sharon Egan

Bucks County, PA       Website       Email

My artwork is a visual journal of people and places I love. Each change of season in beautiful Bucks County offers new inspiration. Watercolor is my favorite medium for the paint can behave in unexpected ways resulting in "happy accidents" and surprises that keep each painting fresh.

While earning my B.A. in Art at the Pennsylvania State University, I was most influenced by the fanciful Stuart Frost. I love to attend continuing education watercolor workshops. Favorite workshop instructors include James Toogood at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Art and the DAL’s Kass Morin Freeman. Miriam Warfield and her Wednesday group are an ongoing joy.

As a former portrait and commercial photographic retoucher, I won awards from the Professional Photographers of America. I attended classes with master retoucher Vilia Reed at The Kodak Company in Rochester, NY.

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