Paul Grand - Photographer - Quakertown PA Alive
Summer Camp Guide
Summer Camp Guidep

Creative People

Paul Grand

Bucks County, PA       215-348-2375       Website       Email

Pierre Bonnard said “Few people know how to see, to see well, to see fully.” That is half of my job. The remainder is to see distinctively, even idiosyncratically. I am an art photographer shooting architecture, portraits, landscapes and abstractions. I have created portfolios around the world. I shoot with a Nikon 35 mm system and use iso 100 negative film. All my images are taken with a tripod. These images capture, on an elemental level, the commonplace lives and surroundings of ordinary people to suggest a deeper, spiritual level of interconnectedness and shared existence. They serve to awaken questions of humanity, beauty and boundary. The details of my subjects exhibit wonderful combinations of shapes, objects, colors and texture, scarcely suspected on casual observation. They are simple uncommon commonplace subjects that the prospective viewer might easily pass unrecognized. These small, modest fragments synthesize into monumentality. My style is painterly. At times, the images are sculptural and even a bit theatrical. The subjects are intimate, close portraits, whole or fragments, be they people, buildings or landscapes. Arches, lanes, doors, floors, windows and walls suggest states of transition. Reflections expose a parallel universe, neither obvious nor expected. Reality weaves into abstraction and rebounds into reality.

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